
Do You Have A Plan?



When was the last time you felt as if you were growing or working together as a solid organization?



Are you struggling to find direction in this changing world?



Does your organization lack effective structure, clear direction and growth?

Leadership Development

Life Change Consulting works with leaders and their organizations to help build Maximum Impact Management Teams. 

Strategic Planning

Life Change Consulting can help you develop a strategic plan that will allow you to realize your goals.

Maximum Impact Teams are management teams where the level of trust ensures every member is functioning to their highest capacity. We work with organizations to provide programs that will build new levels of trust and effectiveness in their organization.

Life Change Consulting utilizes three sessions to leverage an experience that will help develop leaders and breed a culture of trust amongst employees.

Session 1: Who Are You?

Using the DISC personality assessment tool team members discover their basic personality style with both it’s strengths and weakness and from this develop a personal profile with action steps to deal with the weak areas.

Session 2: Where Are You Coming From?

Trust comes from knowing each other, but what do we mean by when we say we know each other? In this session we will undertake a number of exercises designed to improve our understanding of each other and therefore increasing the trust level.

Session 2: Where Are You Going?

In this session we will explore the concepts of mission, vision and values and their role in the planning process. As part of this learning experience we will again play a game designed to improve the communication skills of the team.

Our Strategic Planning is an 8 step method:

  •   Meet to determine your specific needs.
  •   Vision and values assessment and review with the leadership team.
  •   Help rewrite where necessary.
  •   Present a model for developing a strategic plan.
  •   Work with leaders to develop a strategic plan based on your unique vision statement.
  •   Present a model for developing action plans.
  •   Work with leaders to develop action plans.
  •   Work with the leadership team to develop a presentation of the plan to your constituent

Life Change Consulting

Dave Collins is founder and President of Life Change Consulting. Life Changes is a firm that works with churches to maximize their potential and realize their vision by equipping them with the right tools to build a strategic plan.

Dave is a leader who understands the dynamics of teams and how to maximize their effectiveness. He brings a wealth of leadership experience, strong communication skills, and a personable approach to his work.

Dave’s past experience includes:

  • Executive Pastor of Compass Point Bible Church
  • Executive Director of the Tyndale Center for Leadership at Tyndale University College and Seminary.
  • Senior Pastor of Carruthers Creek Community Church (over 20 years). Under his leadership, the church grew from 40 to over 1200 participants.
  • Presenter: nationally and internationally (seminars/Walk Thru the Bible).
  • Serving on the boards of several not for profit organizations, including the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada, Tyndale College & Seminary and as Moderator for the Associated Gospel Churches of Canada.

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